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Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol Profile

Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol Oil Data: Cymbopogon citratus ct. Rhodinol

Botanical Family: Poaceae ~ Chemical Families: Monoterpenol~ Note;Middle-Top

Sourced: India ~ Organic ~ Steam Distilled from:grass/leaves~ Shelf life: 5 years

Aromatic notes – bright yet softer and fruitier than the main stream Lemongrass, one might even say it is juicier. It has a more complex bouquet which includes notes of citrus, Citronella, Geranium, and Melissa.

Energetic Properties – Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol is uplifting and affirming offering optimism and endurance, balancing, toning, releases negative energy, eases transition.

Chemical Families Profile

Monoterpenols: Geraniol, Citronellol, Linalol

Aldehydes: Citronellal, Geranial, Neral

Esters: Geranyl Acetate, Citronellyl Acetate

Monoterpenols: Limonene

Sesquiterpenes: Caryophyllene

Therapeutic Properties – Lemongrass has an impressive list of actions. The combined traits of the constituents (listed above) in Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol compile a hearty list of beneficial properties including: analgesic, anti-allodynia and itching, antianxiety, antibacterial, antibiofilm, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antifungal, antifungal (Candida), anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumoral,antiviral, aperitive, appetite suppressor, astringent, CNS sedative, calmative, carminative, cognition enhancer,cooling, deodorant, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, hypotensive, insecticide (including kills dust mites), immune system modulator, Liver protector, insect repellent, insecticide, nervine, neuroprotective, sedative, skin toning, stimulant, tonic, vasorelaxant, wound healing.

Lemongrass is such a beloved and versatile oil. Native to India, Lemongrass can grow easily in many countries around the world. My first experience with Lemongrass was in Lemongrass Soup in San Francisco and oh was it heavenly! It is often used for flavoring in Asian inspired dishes as well as incense, fragrances,

and other aromatic uses like bug deterrents. The grass (leaves), extracts, and oil have been used medicinally for centuries.

The wonderful thing about Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol (Cymbopogon citratus ct. Rhodinol) is that it is skin friendly whereas other more common chemotypes such as Cymbopogon citratus and Cymbopogon flexuosus can be skin irritating. So all those lovely antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-itching, and even wound healing benefits are able to be used directly on the skin (with proper dilution of course).

It is one of the more pet friendly oils that can even be used around cats (I don’t promote using essentials oils directly on animals without the advice of your veterinarian or a Certified Aromatherapist). Remember, moderation and a sound source of information is key to essential oil diffusion around indoor pets.

Lemongrass has been used for such issues as water retention, urinary tract health, stomach ache and digestive aid, reduce anxiety, increase mental alertness,sedative and sleep enhancement, infections, colds, fever, flu, ringworm, headaches,pain, inflammation/swelling. It has been used in South American countries for poultices for eye infections and toothaches.

One of my favorite uses for Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol is a heavenly bath at the beginning of the day (yes, I said beginning). Baths are a luxury for several reasons in my home and though they can be great at the end of a long day I have found that starting the day in this amazing way takes you through to the end in a much more enjoyable frame of mind. Simply stir 3 to 4 drops into a tablespoon of unscented castile soap and pour into running water. You could use just 2 drops and add in a couple drops of Lavender or Ylang Ylang. There’s hardly a better way to start your day – and no better way to end this edition! Peace out!


Recommended uses include inhalation and topical use with proper dilution and guidelines.

No known safety concerns or interactions at this time.

More safety info is available at

Common uses:

  • Add one or two drops to a cotton ball or bottom of a shot glass and inhale slowly and deeply for several minutes (or inhale straight from the bottle) for respiratory, emotional, and cognition support.

  • Add 5-6 drops per ounce of carrier oil for a stress and pain relief massage, water retention, menstrual discomfort, digestive discomfort, or bug repellent.

  • Add a drop to unscented conditioner to reduce dandruff or to support hair rejuvenation.

  • Inhale straight from the bottle (or make an inhaler) or place a couple drops on a tissue and place inside your pillow case for more restful sleep.

  • Inhale or diffuse for stress relief.

  • Add a drop or two to a diffuser necklace or patch for immune support or for revitalization.

  • Add a 4-6 drops per ounce of alcohol based hand sanitizer and spritz on clothes to insects.

  • As Lemongrass ct. Rhodinol is skin friendly, it can be added to moisturizing and healing blends for topical application (especially anti-itching blends).

Sources & Studies:

Aromahead Insatitute

Tisserand, R. and Young, R. (2014) Essential Oil Safety 2nd Edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Worwood, Valerie A. (1991) The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. Novato, CA: New World Library.


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